The Lean + Light Body Blueprint Program 🤸

Whether you’ve gained 15, 5 or 30 pounds in recent years, you’re in good company of those wanting to make a change.

How did I get here?

As an educated professional, you are quite accomplished. You see success in your work and the various roles you play as manager, spouse, parent, friend….

….but this one elusive goal causes you to wonder, “I know I’m smart – why is the process of losing weight so confusing and frustrating? Why do I fail at this?”

What life looks like now:

  • Every time you go down the stairs, you feel the disconcerting jiggle of your belly and derrière. Your mood drops.
  • The scale either sets your bad mood for the day or you just avoid its judgmental response altogether.
  • You’ve purchased groceries but at most mealtimes you either ‘wing-it’, eat cereal for dinner (again), or fall victim to convenience and order DoorDash delivery.
  • Your baking skills are rivaled only by your stress and comfort-eating.
  • The gym membership is like a donation you make each month – you feel shame about not exercising but the idea of starting is overwhelming.
  • Alcohol has played a bigger role in dealing with long work days, stress and boredom, or is one of the few joys of daily life.
  • It is often only when the chip bag is empty or the pint of ice cream scraped clean do you realize you ate the whole thing. And, on top of the shame, your stomach feels bloated and ‘gross’.
  • You recognize that you’re emotional eating, but you’re not sure how to stop it.

Each night, you beat yourself up over your food choices and pledge to do better tomorrow.

In the words of Dr. Phil, “how’s that working for you?”

Probably not well.

Despite your intelligence and success, you realize that you have intentions of weight loss and maybe some willpower, in fits and starts, but you’ve white-knuckled your way through weeks of fad diets, tracking points, and counting calories before. Though these deprivation diets temporarily ‘worked,’ they were never really sustainable. All the weight you lost came back, and then some. Remembering this, you feel out of control with eating and yet dread the thought of starting one of those restrictive diets again. There must be a better way.

We’re here to tell you: indeed, there IS a better way.

If we haven’t met yet, greetings! I’m Adrienne, the founder & director of One Bite Wellness and an integrative and functional dietitian-nutritionist.

Ever since adolescence, I’ve had a passion for the art and science of nutrition, lifestyle and mindset coaching, and tailoring dynamic personalized programs to help people. Part of my mission in life is to educate and inspire people to live full and vital lives – whether one-on-one or speaking at numerous conferences around the U.S. and on TV segments. The message is this: you can transform your life. With a mind-body-soul approach to weight loss, you’ll find the process deep, self-connecting, fun, and achievable!

FOX28 Good Day Columbus Foods to Fight Belly Fat
Fox28 Good Day Columbus – Foods to Fight Belly Fat segment

This program has been over a decade in the making, as we’ve worked together with clients to move from feeling ‘gross’ and ‘stuck’ to looking and feeling great!

The Lean + Light Body Blueprint program is a path which has steady steps leading to a firm foundation for your new life.

And it’s not a diet.

Surprised? Well, food is a key component, but it’s not the only answer to lasting weight loss.

Before we deal with the fat on our bodies, we have to deal with the fat between our ears – our thoughts and beliefs. We all have old stories of shame and not being enough to memories of failure. These negative thoughts keep us stuck and reluctant to even try again.

Mindset matters. We have to deal with the mental adversary’s lies about us, our bodies, and our ability to change. We must delve deeper into the reasons behind our emotional eating. As we know by now, cookies only comfort in the moment.

Our mindset keeps us living small, while our bodies grow larger.

So during this program we are utilizing key mindset, diet AND lifestyle concepts. When everything works together, the synergy is astounding. These new habits replace your old ones and your results seem effortless.

Instead of rigid rules, there will be education and guidelines.

Instead of white-knuckling and starving your way through, you will feel confident on your path and nourished.

You will not hate or beat yourself into a new body. You will learn to love and enjoy yourself into a new body.

Instead hoping for change, you will be creating change in your life.

Lean + Light Body Blueprint was designed to solve the most common challenges around sustainable weight loss. From combating cravings and our negative thoughts to inconsistent eating and sleeping patterns – everything is addressed!

The 6-week program runs from July 9th to August 13th, giving you plenty of time to get in better shape this summer and enter the autumn season feeling rejuvenated!

Have more questions or want to get acquainted before grabbing your seat? Check out our full page with more details or schedule your introductory “Lean + Light Body Blueprint – let’s talk!” phone call. We’re happy answer questions and help ensure that we are a great fit for you and your needs before you join. Let’s make the coming 6 weeks better than the last 6 months!

Recipe: Caprese Salad 🇮🇹

Mamma mia! Fresh, vibrant, and bursting with flavor, a Caprese salad is the epitome of Italian simplicity and elegance. Named after the island of Capri, where it is believed to have originated, this classic dish captures the essence of summer with its ripe tomatoes, creamy mozzarella, and fragrant basil leaves, all drizzled with a touch of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or enjoying a quiet meal on your patio at home, this salad is a perfect starter or main meal. It couldn’t be easier to put together – just think of the colors and sequence of the Italian flag! Enjoy a dish that celebrates the beauty of fresh, high-quality ingredients and pleases the palate as much as the eyes. La cena è servita. Dinner is served!

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 0 minutes

Servings: about 3

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links or discount codes, meaning, at no additional cost to you, if you click through an affiliate link and make a purchase, we may make a commission.


2 ripe medium tomatoes (about 2-3″ in diameter)

4oz of mozzarella (dairy or dairy-free)

1/2 cucumber, sliced (optional)

4 sprigs of fresh basil (from the grocery or grow your own!)

1 tbsp olive oil, organic

1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, organic


It’s easy; è facile! Slice the tomatoes about 1/4″ thick and the mozzarella too. Pluck the leaves off the stems of the basil and leave whole. Upon the plates, assemble the items in this order: tomato, mozzarella, and (cucumber with) basil. Repeat until you are satisfied with the amount of food on the plate. Drizzle each plate or piece of artwork with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Share a smile with your loved ones and enjoy!

Fitness + Nutrition Podcast Gems 💎

The Fireside Chat for Fitness + Nutrition is evidence-based, actionable education and inspiration. No Tik Tok influencers here, only two people who have deeply studied their fields.

Join us – Adrienne (registered dietitian-nutritionist) and Ken (exercise physiologist); we’re pretty happy to be able to share our combined knowledge so that you can benefit. Here are a few recent episodes:

Episode 9: Hydration + Workout Performance

Episode 10: Healthy Holiday Treats and Exercise While Watching TV

Episode 11: Easy Ways to Keep New Years Resolutions

Episode 12: How to Lose Fat and Build Muscle

Want more? You can access our entire podcast library!

Also, please let us know your comments, questions, or requests for specific topics.

Navigating the Maze: Thyroid Disorder OR Perimenopause? ⚠️

Wake up in the morning feeling like Bea Arthur (Golden Girls, not P. Diddy)* wondering if you even really slept. Though your head is cloudy, you can remember being too hot and tossing covers off and then back on again all night. As the fatigue and irritability start to set in, knowing what’s expected of you today, you emit a low growl at both the scale and anyone who tries to talk to you before coffee. This exilir is what you’ll rely on to drag your human meat suit around and attend to all things you have to do. Sure, “maybe we’ll have a salad for lunch” you think before another part of you says “you’ve been gaining weight anyway so might as well choose something you really want for lunch.” What’s the point? Oh then it’s meetings, meetings, meetings the rest of the day. At least you have coffee to keep yourself propped up and for some mental clarity. You wonder, “is this what life is supposed to look like at this age?”

As women journey into our 40s and 50s, we often encounter a unique intersection of health challenges. The overlapping symptoms of thyroid disorders and perimenopause can create an incredibly confusing landscape of changes that affect both physical and mental well-being. At One Bite Wellness, this is one of the crucial complexities we attend to in order to offer comprehensive support and guidance.

Understanding the Thyroid and Perimenopause

Perimenopause, the transitional phase before menopause, marks a time when estrogen and progesterone levels ebb and flow. This period of fluctuation can be both liberating and daunting, as it marks the end of reproductive years and the onset of new health challenges…and it can feel like an emotional and physical rollercoaster. Adding thyroid issues to the mix complicates matters further as the thyroid gland plays a vital role in regulating metabolism, energy production, and overall hormonal balance. Symptoms like chronic fatigue, unexplained weight gain, and persistent brain fog can amplify the already challenging perimenopausal experience. If one has both thyroid issues and perimenopause, the interplay of these conditions can leave you feeling overwhelmed, battling not just the external changes but also the internal struggle of managing your well-being and energy levels daily.

Overlapping Symptoms

  • Fatigue: Both thyroid issues (especially hypothyroidism) and perimenopause can cause fatigue, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact cause without proper testing. Hint: it’s probably not a caffeine deficiency!
  • Weight Changes: Unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight can be attributed to both thyroid dysfunction and hormonal changes during perimenopause.
  • Mood Swings: Hormonal fluctuations in perimenopause can lead to mood swings, irritability, and anxiety, which may also be present in thyroid disorders.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Both conditions can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia or frequent waking during the night.
  • Brain Fog: Cognitive issues such as forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and mental fogginess can occur in both thyroid disorders and perimenopause.

What Can Be Done

Comprehensive testing is key for proper diagnosis. Comprehensive thyroid testing, including TSH, free T3, free T4, and thyroid antibodies, can help differentiate between thyroid disorders and perimenopause-related symptoms. Testing female hormones can also shed light into what’s going on behind your symptoms.

For perimenopause symptoms, supporting hormone balance through diet and lifestyle changes can be beneficial.

A diet rich in nutrients essential for thyroid function, such as iodine, selenium, and zinc, can support thyroid health. Additionally, incorporating foods rich in phytoestrogens, such as flaxseeds and soy, can help balance hormones during perimenopause.

Chronic stress can exacerbate both thyroid and perimenopause symptoms. Stress-reducing practices like yoga, meditation, or tai chi can be beneficial.

Overall health can be supported by engaging in regular physical activity, getting adequate sleep, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol (and coffee!) intake.

What to Do Next

Navigating the overlapping symptoms of thyroid disorders and perimenopause requires a comprehensive and holistic approach. As an integrative and functional dietitian-nutritionist, supporting clients through proper testing, personalized nutritional support, and lifestyle modifications can help them manage symptoms effectively and improve their overall well-being.

* P.S. Apologies if the reference above makes an öhrwurm or earworm out of Ke$sha’s “Tik Tok” song for you!

Recipe: Ginger-Turmeric Roasted Cauliflower 🫚

Introducing our vibrant Ginger-Turmeric Roasted Cauliflower recipe – a dish that tantalizes your taste buds and also packs a powerful nutritional punch! This colorful creation brings together the mild, earthy flavor of cauliflower with the warm, spicy notes of ginger and turmeric, creating a symphony of flavors. Beyond its delicious taste, this recipe is loaded with health benefits.

Cauliflower is rich in antioxidants and fiber, while ginger and turmeric are well-known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Together, they create a dish that not only satisfies your palate but also nourishes your body. Try this culinary creation that celebrates the synergy of deliciousness and wellness!

Prep time: about 8 minutes

Cook time: 40 minutes

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links or discount codes, meaning, at no additional cost to you, if you click through an affiliate link and make a purchase, we may make a commission.


1 head of cauliflower, cut into bite-sized pieces

1 tbsp avocado oil

2 tsp black pepper

2 tsp ground turmeric

1 tsp ginger powder

1/2 tsp sea salt


Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Place parchment paper on baking sheet. Start removing the leaves and stalk of the cauliflower and then cut each section into bite-sized pieces. Rinse. Place cauliflower pieces on parchment paper and drizzle avocado oil on before adding salt, pepper, turmeric and ginger powder. Use a spatula or tongs to ensure cauliflower pieces are coated. Bake for 20 minutes and flip over pieces before baking another 20 minutes. Pull from oven and serve immediately or allow to cool before putting into the fridge. Enjoy!

Client Spotlight + the ‘Evil Little Journal’ 😈

“Well fun story, I tried several nutritionists before you while shopping around and one…was literally saying ‘eat less move more, here is a flyer to help..’

It [the program] made me become more aware of the reasoning related to food choices. It also made me become more aware of past incidents and how my actions can affect the future depending on the choices I make currently.

I was actually hoping to get personalized nutritional information on how to eat better and not be fat but I was not expecting the way you handled things in regards to behavioral rather than just habitual changes. I believe that my expectations once I understood how you were going to direct these sessions were all fulfilled in a manner that I was unexpecting.

I think the biggest insight or breakthrough was realizing that it’s not the food I eat but the reason I choose or pick that food. I mean no food I guess can really be considered too bad if you choose wisely so by looking and reviewing the way I respond to food and food situations initially I believe is a big breakthrough. I found that so much of my eating is just either boredom or habit that it’s very interesting to see just how much you don’t think about your food choices.

I think the biggest strength I’ve noticed is that I’m now more fully aware of my behaviors and how and where they come from and how and where I may be able to better direct them or change them to be more effective in making food decisions.

I was fairly surprised at how I was able to quickly adapt to where you were suggesting I change habits and behaviors. The ‘evil little journal’ was a wonderful tool that you introduced to me that really allowed me to review and prepare for situations that might pop up.

I’m not really too sure what could be further supported as I was 100% unprepared for you to take this in the direction you took it so I feel that currently right now I’m beyond satisfied with the results and information that you have passed on to me.”

Timothy O’Brien, client

We love surprising our clients with something other than a handout with a 1600 calorie diet and wishing them luck. Why? We know it doesn’t work in the long-term.

The openness to self-examination and trust in the guidance and the process is what leads to true transformation and lasting change. We are extremely proud of Timothy for doing the deep work necessary to achieve his results!

Are you looking for a whole-health approach to your health issues and desired results? It all starts with a simple phone call. Schedule your complimentary, 20-minute Discovery Call today!

Fitness + Nutrition Podcast Gems

The Fireside Chat for Fitness + Nutrition is evidence-based, actionable education and inspiration. No Tik Tok influencers here, only two people who have deeply studied their fields.

Join us – Adrienne (registered dietitian-nutritionist) and Ken (exercise physiologist); we’re pretty happy to be able to share our combined knowledge so that you can benefit. Here are a few new episodes:

Episode 5: Flexibility, Mobility and Nutrition for Joints

Episode 6: Muscle Recovery after Thanksgiving and What to Eat or do about Bloating

Episode 7: Stress Management through Nutrition and Exercise

Episode 8: Building a Strong Immune System

Want more? You can access our entire podcast library!

How to Grow Basil Indoors 🌿

Looking to add a burst of fresh flavor to your meals while also enhancing your indoor space?

Growing basil is a rewarding and surprisingly simple way to do both! As a registered dietitian-nutritionist, I often recommend herbs like basil for their nutritional benefits as well as culinary versatility. Let’s explore the basics of growing this aromatic herb right in your own home.

Can I actually grow this?

Yes! We previously had what some would say were ‘black thumbs’ and were only reliably able to keep our aloe plant alive (which we did for decades, throughout college and through many moves). Here’s our general recommendation for growing plants – start small. Maybe begin with basil, which we’re covering here, and then try rosemary or thyme. Add to your knowledge, don’t do it all at once!

Why Choose Organic Basil?

Organic basil offers numerous health benefits. It is rich in vitamins A, K, and C, as well as minerals like manganese, which supports healthy bones. Choosing organic ensures that your basil is grown without synthetic pesticides or herbicides, promoting both your health and the environment’s well-being.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links or discount codes, meaning, at no additional cost to you, if you click through an affiliate link and make a purchase, we may make a commission.

A Guide to Getting Started

To start your indoor basil garden, you’ll need a few key items:

Basil loves sunlight, so choose a sunny windowsill or a spot where it can receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily.

Select a pot with drainage holes to prevent over-watering. A 6-8 inch diameter pot should be sufficient for one basil plant.

Use a well-draining, organic potting mix to ensure proper root growth and prevent waterlogged soil.

You can start with basil seeds or purchase seedlings from a nursery or garden center for quicker results.

Planting Your Basil

Fill your pot with organic soil, leaving about an inch of space below the rim. If using seeds, sprinkle them evenly over the soil and cover lightly with a thin layer of soil. If using seedlings, gently remove them from their nursery container and plant them in the center of your pot.

Water your basil plant regularly (at least once per week), keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings (use your finger to estimate and don’t let it dry out further than that inch or you may lose the plant).

Place your pot in a sunny spot where it can receive plenty of sunlight each day (we use the south side window). Pro tip: rotate the pot occasionally to ensure even growth.

Caring for Your Basil

Regularly pinch off the top leaves of your basil plant to encourage bushier growth. This also prevents the plant from flowering too soon, which can affect the flavor. If a flower bud appears, snip it off just above the pair of opposing leaves beneath the bud. You (and your bunnies) can eat those tasty basil buds!

If you want to be a truly awesome plant parent, use a balanced organic fertilizer once a month to provide your basil with essential nutrients for healthy growth. Sometimes we do great parenting and sometimes we just throw some occasional coffee grounds or stale beer on it (these are also natural fertilizers, by the way).

You can start harvesting basil leaves once the plant has grown to a reasonable size of about 6-8 inches tall. Use those sharp scissors to snip off the top leaves and leave at least a few sets of leaves on the plant to continue growing.

Now for the Most Fun Part – Eating Your Homegrown Basil!

Fresh basil adds a delightful flavor to a variety of dishes, including Caprese salads, pasta, soups, pizza, and sauces. You can also use it to make pesto, a versatile sauce that can be used in pasta dishes, as a spread on sandwiches or substituted for marinara sauce on pizza!

With these simple steps, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of organic basil right from your own home. Not only will you enhance your culinary creations, but you’ll also reap the nutritional benefits of this versatile herb and save money (and the environment) on those grocery herbs in little plastic containers. You can do this! Happy growing!

The Boundary Blueprint: A Guide to Protecting Your Peace and Well-being 🪧

Buckle up, friends! We’re diving into the world of boundaries – those invisible yet crucial lines that define our space and protect our well-being. Whether you’re a seasoned boundary builder or just starting to explore this concept, this guide is here to support you on your journey to creating healthy boundaries that honor your needs and values.

Don’t expect this to happen overnight. Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries is a process that requires on-going self-awareness, assertiveness, and self-care. By understanding the factors that influence your boundary style and implementing practical strategies, you can build boundaries that protect your well-being and enhance your relationships.

Why are Healthy Boundaries Important?

We often say this, because it’s true: you can drink all the green smoothies in the world but if your emotional and mental health are neglected, you won’t be a whole, vibrant person. In short, healthy boundaries will help you avoid health issues and burnout while providing many benefits to your life. Let’s explore further.

Understanding Permeable Boundaries

Ever feel like your boundaries are as sturdy as a sandcastle at high tide? You’re not alone. Permeable boundaries, or boundaries that are too porous and easily crossed, can stem from various factors, including:

Trauma: Experiences of trauma can erode our sense of self and blur the lines between ourselves and others. When our boundaries have been violated, it can be challenging to rebuild them. For example, someone who has experienced emotional or physical abuse may easily succumb to messages of guilt or shame such as “why can’t you be more like your sister? She always helps me”. It could also look like giving up your own need to rest or plans for a fun trip with friends when your parent decides one of their tasks is more important and says “I know you’re busy, but I can’t do it alone and need your help. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t count on my own daughter.” There is often a struggle to recognize and assert one’s own needs and feelings.

Family Systems: Our family dynamics play a significant role in shaping our boundary styles. Growing up in an environment with boundaries that were either too rigid or too loose can affect how we set limits as adults. For example, a person raised in an enmeshed family where there were no clear boundaries between family members may have difficulty setting boundaries with others in adulthood. A family system which included narcissistic and co-dependent parents, alcoholism, scapegoated or ‘golden’ children (or other forms of dysfunctionality) can very much influence how you live your life decades later, including an inability to say ‘no’ or to put others needs first. Which leads into…

People-Pleasing: Some of us are wired, through our family systems, to prioritize others’ needs and feelings over our own, leading to blurred boundaries in an effort to keep the peace or gain approval. Someone who is a chronic people-pleaser may have difficulty saying “no” and setting limits with others, only to suffer burnout and health issues.

Why Healthy Boundaries Matter

Boundaries are essential for several reasons:

  1. Protecting Your Energy: Healthy boundaries protect your time, emotions, and physical space as well as your mental health, helping you avoid burnout and overwhelm.
  2. Maintaining Relationships: Boundaries help define expectations in relationships, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts.
  3. Preserving Self-Identity: Boundaries help you maintain a sense of self, separate from others’ expectations and demands.

The Consequences of Blurred Boundaries

Not having good boundaries can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including:

  • Burnout and Lack of Self-Care: Constantly saying “yes” to others’ demands and requests can lead to physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. Neglecting your own needs in favor of others can lead to poor self-care and health issues.
  • Health Issues: Boundary blurring can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even physical health issues like high blood pressure and compromised immune function.
  • Resentment: Feeling like your boundaries are constantly being crossed can lead to feelings of resentment towards others.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Building healthy boundaries is like constructing a sturdy fence – it takes time, effort, and the right tools. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Know + Respect Thyself: Understanding your values, needs, and limits is crucial for setting boundaries that align with who you are.
  • Practice Assertiveness: Learn to assert your needs and communicate your boundaries clearly and respectfully.
  • Set Limits: Identify areas of your life where you need to set boundaries and be clear about what behavior is and isn’t acceptable to you.
  • Seek Support: Building boundaries can be challenging, so seek support from a therapist, coach, or supportive friends who can help you navigate this journey.

Remember, setting boundaries is not about building walls or shutting others out. It’s also not just about protecting yourself – it creates clear guidelines for how you want to be treated and how you will interact with others. Boundaries are an essential part of self-care and self-respect, and by setting and maintaining them, you are taking an important step towards living a more balanced and fulfilling life.

So, take some time to reflect on your boundaries, identify areas where you need to set limits, and practice assertiveness in communicating your needs. Your boundaries are yours to define, without guilt or shame. Honor them and watch as they empower you to live authentically and have meaningful relationships.

Here’s a story about Emily, who had porous boundaries with her mom, what life her looked like, and how she overcame it with healthy boundaries:

Continue reading

Spring Clean Your Diet: 7 Tips for a Fresh Start

As we welcome the spring season, it’s the perfect time to engage in not just cleaning our houses but our permanent homes – our bodies!

Remember how sensually-pleasing it is to stand in the result of a deep-cleaned home? You have an unobstructed view of the outside through streak-free windows. Because the house has been detail vacuumed and is practically dust-free, you breathe in fresher air. You walk through the house and paw prints and spills have been mopped away so your feet don’t find sticky bits on the floor. There is a pleasant slightly-citrus scent lingering in the air. You shower in a pristine bathroom and slip into fresh sheets at night. This is why we all appreciate clean houses (even if we have to escape to a short-term rental to experience it)!

Imagine what it could feel like to have a ‘spring-cleaned’ body! To wake up and not require coffee to get started with your day. To have natural energy, focus, patience and a resiliency that allows you to hit home runs, even when curveballs are thrown at you. To be able to move through your day without feeling weighed down or depleted; instead, you take calm and decisive action on the projects and tasks set for yourself.

If you’re overweight or unhappy with the way they look and feel, this is an opportunity to use these tips to refresh your eating habits and set yourself up for a healthy and vibrant season ahead. No sponges or mops needed!

Assess your Current Eating Habits

Start by taking a look at your current eating habits. What do you normally eat during the course of the day and how do they make you feel? Check in with yourself to see if you are eating variety of nutrient-dense foods or if you find yourself reaching for the ‘easy button’ with processed foods, candy or baked goods. Are you getting enough vegetables and protein? Reflecting on your habits can help you identify areas for improvement.

Incorporate more Whole Foods

One of the best ways to spring clean your diet is to focus on incorporating more whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. These foods are rich in essential nutrients and fiber, which are important for overall health. You don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen each day; just try to fill your plate with a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to ensure you’re getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

Reduce Processed Foods and Sugar-sweetened Beverages

Processed foods and sugary drinks (in the form of sodas, lemonade, mixed drinks, and more) can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. No bueno. Try to limit your intake of these foods and beverages in favor of whole, unprocessed foods and drinks without any sugar added. Some ideas are to swap sugary drinks for infused water, herbal tea, or mocktails and choose whole grains over refined grains (think cereals, breads, pasta).

Hydrate with Water

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and well-being, yet many of us are not getting enough water. Aim to drink enough water for your individual body throughout the day to keep it hydrated and your energy levels up. If you find plain water tastes ‘boring’, try infusing it with fruits or herbs for a refreshing twist.

Practice Mindful Eating

This is simple and easy to skip, but why would you when you understand the benefits? So what is mindful eating? It involves paying attention to the food you’re eating, noticing textures and colors, savoring each bite, and listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. By practicing mindful eating, you can develop a healthier relationship with food and make more conscious choices about what you eat.

Get Moving

In addition to cleaning up your diet, don’t forget to incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. Exercise has numerous health benefits, including improved mood, increased energy levels, better digestion, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. It also helps the body’s detoxification efforts and is thus a great way to ‘spring clean’ your body. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking, dancing, cycling, or swimming. Find something you enjoy and get going!

Try the 10-Day Express Detox

For a guided, slightly more intensive cleanse, consider joining the 10-Day Express Detox program. This program is designed to help you reset your body and kickstart healthy habits. It includes a detailed meal plan and recipes to make the process easy and enjoyable. Helping your body’s detoxification processes can help you feel lighter, more energetic, and ready to take on the world!

Seek Support if Needed

If you’re struggling to make changes to your diet or are unsure where to start, consider seeking support from your favorite registered dietitian-nutritionist. Read about what others have experienced and get the guidance and support for your personalized nutrition and lifestyle journey.

Spring is the perfect time to refresh your eating habits and make healthier choices. By incorporating more whole foods, reducing processed foods and sugary drinks, staying hydrated, practicing mindful eating, and staying active, you can spring clean your diet and set yourself up for a healthy and vibrant season ahead. Consider trying the 10-Day Express Detox program for a guided, more intensive cleanse and seek support where you need it. Here’s to a healthier, happier ‘springier’ you!