The Boundary Blueprint: A Guide to Protecting Your Peace and Well-being šŸŖ§

Buckle up, friends! We’re diving into the world of boundaries ā€“ those invisible yet crucial lines that define our space and protect our well-being. Whether you’re a seasoned boundary builder or just starting to explore this concept, this guide is here to support you on your journey to creating healthy boundaries that honor your needs and values.

Donā€™t expect this to happen overnight. Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries is a process that requires on-going self-awareness, assertiveness, and self-care. By understanding the factors that influence your boundary style and implementing practical strategies, you can build boundaries that protect your well-being and enhance your relationships.

Why are Healthy Boundaries Important?

We often say this, because it’s true: you can drink all the green smoothies in the world but if your emotional and mental health are neglected, you won’t be a whole, vibrant person. In short, healthy boundaries will help you avoid health issues and burnout while providing many benefits to your life. Let’s explore further.

Understanding Permeable Boundaries

Ever feel like your boundaries are as sturdy as a sandcastle at high tide? You’re not alone. Permeable boundaries, or boundaries that are too porous and easily crossed, can stem from various factors, including:

Trauma: Experiences of trauma can erode our sense of self and blur the lines between ourselves and others. When our boundaries have been violated, it can be challenging to rebuild them. For example, someone who has experienced emotional or physical abuse may easily succumb to messages of guilt or shame such as ā€œwhy canā€™t you be more like your sister? She always helps meā€. It could also look like giving up your own need to rest or plans for a fun trip with friends when your parent decides one of their tasks is more important and says ā€œI know you’re busy, but I can’t do it alone and need your help. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t count on my own daughter.ā€ There is often a struggle to recognize and assert oneā€™s own needs and feelings.

Family Systems: Our family dynamics play a significant role in shaping our boundary styles. Growing up in an environment with boundaries that were either too rigid or too loose can affect how we set limits as adults. For example, a person raised in an enmeshed family where there were no clear boundaries between family members may have difficulty setting boundaries with others in adulthood. A family system which included narcissistic and co-dependent parents, alcoholism, scapegoated or ā€˜goldenā€™ children (or other forms of dysfunctionality) can very much influence how you live your life decades later, including an inability to say ā€˜noā€™ or to put others needs first. Which leads into…

People-Pleasing: Some of us are wired, through our family systems, to prioritize others’ needs and feelings over our own, leading to blurred boundaries in an effort to keep the peace or gain approval. Someone who is a chronic people-pleaser may have difficulty saying “no” and setting limits with others, only to suffer burnout and health issues.

Why Healthy Boundaries Matter

Boundaries are essential for several reasons:

  1. Protecting Your Energy: Healthy boundaries protect your time, emotions, and physical space as well as your mental health, helping you avoid burnout and overwhelm.
  2. Maintaining Relationships: Boundaries help define expectations in relationships, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts.
  3. Preserving Self-Identity: Boundaries help you maintain a sense of self, separate from others’ expectations and demands.

The Consequences of Blurred Boundaries

Not having good boundaries can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including:

  • Burnout and Lack of Self-Care: Constantly saying “yes” to others’ demands and requests can lead to physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. Neglecting your own needs in favor of others can lead to poor self-care and health issues.
  • Health Issues: Boundary blurring can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even physical health issues like high blood pressure and compromised immune function.
  • Resentment: Feeling like your boundaries are constantly being crossed can lead to feelings of resentment towards others.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Building healthy boundaries is like constructing a sturdy fence ā€“ it takes time, effort, and the right tools. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Know + Respect Thyself: Understanding your values, needs, and limits is crucial for setting boundaries that align with who you are.
  • Practice Assertiveness: Learn to assert your needs and communicate your boundaries clearly and respectfully.
  • Set Limits: Identify areas of your life where you need to set boundaries and be clear about what behavior is and isn’t acceptable to you.
  • Seek Support: Building boundaries can be challenging, so seek support from a therapist, coach, or supportive friends who can help you navigate this journey.

Remember, setting boundaries is not about building walls or shutting others out. It’s also not just about protecting yourself ā€“ it creates clear guidelines for how you want to be treated and how you will interact with others. Boundaries are an essential part of self-care and self-respect, and by setting and maintaining them, you are taking an important step towards living a more balanced and fulfilling life.

So, take some time to reflect on your boundaries, identify areas where you need to set limits, and practice assertiveness in communicating your needs. Your boundaries are yours to define, without guilt or shame. Honor them and watch as they empower you to live authentically and have meaningful relationships.

Hereā€™s a story about Emily, who had porous boundaries with her mom, what life her looked like, and how she overcame it with healthy boundaries:

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Spring Clean Your Diet: 7 Tips for a Fresh Start

As we welcome the spring season, it’s the perfect time to engage in not just cleaning our houses but our permanent homes ā€“ our bodies!

Remember how sensually-pleasing it is to stand in the result of a deep-cleaned home? You have an unobstructed view of the outside through streak-free windows. Because the house has been detail vacuumed and is practically dust-free, you breathe in fresher air. You walk through the house and paw prints and spills have been mopped away so your feet don’t find sticky bits on the floor. There is a pleasant slightly-citrus scent lingering in the air. You shower in a pristine bathroom and slip into fresh sheets at night. This is why we all appreciate clean houses (even if we have to escape to a short-term rental to experience it)!

Imagine what it could feel like to have a ‘spring-cleaned’ body! To wake up and not require coffee to get started with your day. To have natural energy, focus, patience and a resiliency that allows you to hit home runs, even when curveballs are thrown at you. To be able to move through your day without feeling weighed down or depleted; instead, you take calm and decisive action on the projects and tasks set for yourself.

If youā€™re overweight or unhappy with the way they look and feel, this is an opportunity to use these tips to refresh your eating habits and set yourself up for a healthy and vibrant season ahead. No sponges or mops needed!

Assess your Current Eating Habits

Start by taking a look at your current eating habits. What do you normally eat during the course of the day and how do they make you feel? Check in with yourself to see if you are eating variety of nutrient-dense foods or if you find yourself reaching for the ā€˜easy buttonā€™ with processed foods, candy or baked goods. Are you getting enough vegetables and protein? Reflecting on your habits can help you identify areas for improvement.

Incorporate more Whole Foods

One of the best ways to spring clean your diet is to focus on incorporating more whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. These foods are rich in essential nutrients and fiber, which are important for overall health. You donā€™t have to spend hours in the kitchen each day; just try to fill your plate with a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to ensure you’re getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

Reduce Processed Foods and Sugar-sweetened Beverages

Processed foods and sugary drinks (in the form of sodas, lemonade, mixed drinks, and more) can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. No bueno. Try to limit your intake of these foods and beverages in favor of whole, unprocessed foods and drinks without any sugar added. Some ideas are to swap sugary drinks for infused water, herbal tea, or mocktails and choose whole grains over refined grains (think cereals, breads, pasta).

Hydrate with Water

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and well-being, yet many of us are not getting enough water. Aim to drink enough water for your individual body throughout the day to keep it hydrated and your energy levels up. If you find plain water tastes ā€˜boringā€™, try infusing it with fruits or herbs for a refreshing twist.

Practice Mindful Eating

This is simple and easy to skip, but why would you when you understand the benefits? So what is mindful eating? It involves paying attention to the food you’re eating, noticing textures and colors, savoring each bite, and listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. By practicing mindful eating, you can develop a healthier relationship with food and make more conscious choices about what you eat.

Get Moving

In addition to cleaning up your diet, don’t forget to incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. Exercise has numerous health benefits, including improved mood, increased energy levels, better digestion, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. It also helps the bodyā€™s detoxification efforts and is thus a great way to ā€˜spring cleanā€™ your body. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking, dancing, cycling, or swimming. Find something you enjoy and get going!

Try the 10-Day Express Detox

For a guided, slightly more intensive cleanse, consider joining the 10-Day Express Detox program. This program is designed to help you reset your body and kickstart healthy habits. It includes a detailed meal plan and recipes to make the process easy and enjoyable. Helping your bodyā€™s detoxification processes can help you feel lighter, more energetic, and ready to take on the world!

Seek Support if Needed

If you’re struggling to make changes to your diet or are unsure where to start, consider seeking support from your favorite registered dietitian-nutritionist. Read about what others have experienced and get the guidance and support for your personalized nutrition and lifestyle journey.

Spring is the perfect time to refresh your eating habits and make healthier choices. By incorporating more whole foods, reducing processed foods and sugary drinks, staying hydrated, practicing mindful eating, and staying active, you can spring clean your diet and set yourself up for a healthy and vibrant season ahead. Consider trying the 10-Day Express Detox program for a guided, more intensive cleanse and seek support where you need it. Here’s to a healthier, happier ā€˜springierā€™ you!

Recipe: Strawberry Smoothie Bowl šŸ“

Looking for a decadent breakfast, mid-day snack, or a light dessert to finish off your evening meal? Look no further than this speedy smoothie bowl that will satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruits and chocolate! Bonus: it’s also gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free and completely plant-based.

Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links or discount codes, meaning, at no additional cost to you, if you click through an affiliate link and make a purchase, we may make a commission.

Prep time: < 5 minutes

Servings: 1


1.5 cups hazelnut non-dairy milk

1 medium banana, frozen

2 oz fresh, raw strawberries (or raspberries)

2 tbsp shredded coconut, unsweetened

1.5 tbsp cacao nibs

2 tbsp organic freeze dried strawberries

1 tbsp dark chocolate chips


Place strawberries, non-dairy milk, and frozen banana in high-speed blender until mixture is well-blended. Pour into a bowl and decorate with lines of freeze-dried strawberries, shredded coconut, cacao nibs, and chocolate chips. Enjoy!

The Power of a Plant-Based Diet šŸ„—

In recent years, plant-based diets have garnered immense attention which has been fueled by a wave of enthralling documentaries, research studies and news articles highlighting their benefits. We invite you to learn about this dietary trend and explore its health benefits, as well as the reasons behind embracing a plant-based lifestyle.

The Rise of Plant-Based Diets in Media and News

Documentaries like You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment, The Game Changers, What the Health, and Forks Over Knives have captivated audiences worldwide, presenting compelling arguments for adopting a plant-based diet. These films showcase medical professionals, athletes, twins and individuals who have experienced transformative health improvements by switching to plant-based eating.

In addition to the documentaries, media outlets frequently feature stories on the environmental and ethical implications of animal agriculture, further bolstering interest in plant-based diets. These highlight the potential of plant-based eating to not only benefit personal health but also to reduce environmental impact and promote animal welfare.

Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

A plant-based diet emphasizes whole, minimally-processed plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, while minimizing or excluding animal products. It is considered to some to be nearer on the ‘omnivore-vegan’ spectrum to vegan eating, without it necessarily being as strict or rigid. This plant-strong dietary approach offers numerous health benefits, these are some:

  1. Heart Health: Plant-based diets are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which support heart health. They have been associated with lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and reduced risk of heart disease.
  2. Weight Management: Plant-based diets are naturally lower in calories and saturated fats compared to omnivorous diets, making them beneficial for weight management and reducing the risk of obesity.
  3. Improved Digestion: The high fiber content of plant-based diets supports digestive health, promoting regular bowel movements and reducing the risk of digestive disorders like constipation and diverticulitis.
  4. Reduced Inflammation: Plant foods are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and lower the risk of chronic diseases like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
  5. Lower Cancer Risk: Some studies suggest that a plant-based diet may lower the risk of certain types of cancer, including colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer, due to its high fiber and antioxidant content and lower intake of processed meats.

Motivations for Trying a Plant-Based Diet

People are drawn to plant-based diets for a variety of reasons, including health, environmental concerns, and ethical considerations:

  1. Health Consciousness: Many individuals are motivated to improve their health and prevent chronic diseases by adopting a plant-based diet. The abundance of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants in plant foods supports overall health and well-being.
  2. Environmental Sustainability: Plant-based diets have a lower detrimental environmental impact compared to diets rich in animal products. By reducing meat consumption, individuals can decrease their carbon footprint and help mitigate environmental issues like deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Animal Welfare: Concerns about animal welfare and the ethical treatment of animals in the food industry are also driving factors behind the rise of plant-based diets. Many people choose plant-based eating as a way to align their food choices with their values and reduce harm to animals.
  4. Weight Management and Fitness: Plant-based diets are increasingly popular among those looking to manage their weight or improve athletic performance. The nutrient-dense nature of plant foods can support energy levels and muscle recovery, making them appealing to athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

The Power of a Plant-Based Diet Masterclass

For those eager to learn more about the benefits and practicalities of a plant-based diet, consider attending the upcoming The Power of a Plant-Based Diet masterclass. In this informative session, participants will delve into topics such as:

  • What a plant-based diet is and how it differs from vegetarian and vegan diets.
  • The differences between the Standard American Diet (SAD) and a plant-based diet.
  • The four core benefits of a whole-foods, plant-based diet, including health and sustainability.
  • The challenges of a plant-based diet, including ensuring an adequate intake of protein and essential minerals.
  • The five steps to transitioning to a plant-based diet, including practical tips for substitutes and mindset/behavior change.

Attendees will also receive a complimentary One Bite Wellness Plant-based eBook full of valuable information to help implement more of a plant-based diet into their lives. Join us and discover how a plant-based diet can revolutionize your health and well-being!

šŸŒæ Mustard Greens: a Spring Delight

As April and May approach, it’s time to celebrate the arrival of mustard greens season! If you’re like us, the first encounter with mustard greens might have been a bit intimidating and enticing. How do these leafy greens relate to the zesty yellow mustard sauce we all know? The answer lies in their shared originā€”the mustard plant. Mustard sauce is crafted from ground mustard seeds, mixed with water, vinegar, and other ingredients, while mustard greens are the plant’s edible leaves. Let’s explore those further.

While many stores now offer mustard greens year-round, they are at their peak from mid-winter to mid-spring, making the upcoming months, especially May, the perfect time to incorporate them into your cooking. Not only are they delicious, but they are also incredibly nutritious. A cup of cooked mustard greens contains just 20 calories, almost no fat, a generous amount of fiber and protein, and a plethora of vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamins A, C and K, which are essential for good health.

Mustard greens are packed with antioxidants which help fight inflammation and support anti-aging efforts. They are also rich in phytonutrients that boost the immune system. These are just a few of the many health benefits that make mustard greens a must-buy!

So, how do you cook with mustard greens? The rule of thumb is to treat them like other leafy greens such as collard greens, kale, and spinach. However, be aware that mustard greens have a stronger, more distinct flavor that can dominate dishes. For a traditional, omnivorous option, consider cooking them with meat like pork, beef, or ham, as the fat and meat flavors help counteract the acidity of the greens.

For vegetarians and vegans, sautƩing mustard greens in vegetable broth or water with salt, pepper, olive oil, onions, or red pepper flakes can also yield delicious results. When selecting mustard greens, look for fresh, crispy, dark green leaves. Remember, the larger the leaves, the stronger the flavor. To store them and keep them fresh for about a week, wrap the greens in a wet paper towel or place them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Avoid washing them until just before cooking, as they tend to wilt quickly.

If you’re in a cooking rut, why not try mustard greens in your next meal? Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie, experimenting with new ingredients can be both fun and rewarding. Here’s one of our favorite recipes, Rainbow Chili, in which mustard greens can easily be incorporated. Enjoy!

šŸ™‹ 15 Essential Questions to Ask Before Working with a Dietitian-Nutritionist

Congratulations! Choosing to work with a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist (RDN) is a proactive step towards improving your health and well-being. Whether you’re looking to manage a health condition, enhance athletic performance, or simply adopt a healthier lifestyle, partnering with an RDN can provide you with the personalized guidance and support you need. Before you begin your journey, here are fifteen essential questions to ask a registered dietitian-nutritionist:

1. What are your qualifications and experience?

It’s important to verify that the nutritionist you’re considering working with is licensed and registered. Additionally, inquire about their education and experience working with clients who have similar goals or health concerns as you. A well-qualified RDN will have the knowledge and expertise to create a tailored nutrition plan that aligns with your needs. You may want to ask about additional certifications such as health coaching or other healing modalities.

2. What is your approach to nutrition counseling?

Each Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist may have a unique approach to nutrition counseling based on their training and philosophy. Some may focus on being strict with macronutrient intake while others may promote behavior change and lifestyle modifications, emphasizing the importance of mindful eating or a balanced diet. Understanding their approach will help you determine if it aligns with your preferences and goals.

3. How do you stay current with nutrition research and trends?

Nutrition science is constantly evolving, so it’s crucial for dietitians to stay updated with the latest research and trends. Ask about their continuing education efforts and how they integrate new information into their practice. A knowledgeable RDN will be able to provide you with both evidence-based recommendations and those obtained from experience.

4. What can I expect from our sessions?

Understanding what to expect from your sessions can help you prepare mentally and emotionally. Inquire about the frequency and duration of sessions, as well as the methods of communication (in-person, virtual, phone, etc). Additionally, ask how progress will be tracked and how adjustments to your nutrition plan will be made.

5. How do you approach dietary supplements and alternative therapies?

While it is our belief that food should be the primary source of nutrients, dietary supplements and alternative therapies may be recommended in certain situations. Ask about a dietitian-nutritionist’s stance on these interventions and how they integrate them into their practice. A cautious and evidence-based approach to supplements and alternative therapies is ideal.

6. Can you provide references or client testimonials?

Requesting references or testimonials from previous clients can help you gain insight into the RDN’s effectiveness and client satisfaction. Hearing about other people’s experiences can also help you feel more confident in your decision to work with them. You can also usually find reviews from clients on their Google business page or on their website.

7. How do you approach dietary restrictions or food allergies?

If you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, it’s important to ensure that the RDN can accommodate your needs. Ask about their experience working with clients who have similar dietary concerns and how they would tailor a nutrition plan to meet your specific requirements. Some registered dietitian-nutritionists can also help you identify potential food sensitivities, which are different than food allergies or intolerances.

8. What is your philosophy on weight management?

If weight management is a goal for you, it’s important to understand the dietitian’s approach to this topic. Some RDNs may focus on intuitive eating, behavior change and body positivity, while others may emphasize weight loss and strict diets. Make sure their philosophy aligns with your beliefs and goals regarding weight and body image.

Asking these additional questions can help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the dietitian’s approach, experience, and compatibility with your needs, ultimately leading to a more successful and fulfilling partnership.

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