Recipe: Plant-based Pizza πŸ•

Circa 2010, the world – or at least the Midwest – seemed devoid of gluten-free options that tasted good and held its shape. This was the “dark ages” for those with celiac disease or gluten-intolerance. Pasta that fell apart as it boiled. Pizza crust that was flimsy and tough. One hardly wanted to eat the foods of one of the world’s most delicious cuisines.

Thankfully, as with history, after the dark ages came enlightenment and food companies became interested in supplying more delicious alternatives for people with food allergies and intolerances. Pasta could be pierced with fork without falling to pieces. Bread and pizza crusts actually tasted like their names! Even dairy-free companies have upped their games in the realms of non-dairy milk, cheese, and ice creams.

And so, we share with you today a version of pizza that is plant-based, gluten-free and dairy-free, yet delicious enough that our bisnonna (Italian great-grandmother) would approve. We hope you enjoy it as well!

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 12-15 minutes

Servings: about 2


4oz dairy-free cheese (we used Misha’s black truffle)

1 chickpea pizza crust (frozen section)

1 bell pepper

2 tbsp vegan Parmesan (optional)

1 tbsp fresh basil


Preheat oven to 400 degrees (or temperature instructed on pizza crust box). While waiting for it, slide frozen pizza crust onto a plate and smear dairy-free cheese to cover it, leaving 1/2″ around the edge uncovered. Slice bell pepper and vegan cheese and place on top. Chop fresh basil and keep aside. Once pizza has cooked (usually 12-15 minutes), use tongs to carefully pull pizza from the oven rack and onto your plate. Cut pizza into 4 or 6 slices. Add fresh basil and any other desired Mediterranean herbs. Buon appetito!

One thought on “Recipe: Plant-based Pizza πŸ•

  1. Pingback: How to Grow Basil Indoors 🌿 | onebitewellness

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