Client Spotlight + the ‘Evil Little Journal’ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

“Well fun story, I tried several nutritionists before you while shopping around and one…was literally saying ‘eat less move more, here is a flyer to help..’

It [the program] made me become more aware of the reasoning related to food choices. It also made me become more aware of past incidents and how my actions can affect the future depending on the choices I make currently.

I was actually hoping to get personalized nutritional information on how to eat better and not be fat but I was not expecting the way you handled things in regards to behavioral rather than just habitual changes. I believe that my expectations once I understood how you were going to direct these sessions were all fulfilled in a manner that I was unexpecting.

I think the biggest insight or breakthrough was realizing that it’s not the food I eat but the reason I choose or pick that food. I mean no food I guess can really be considered too bad if you choose wisely so by looking and reviewing the way I respond to food and food situations initially I believe is a big breakthrough. I found that so much of my eating is just either boredom or habit that it’s very interesting to see just how much you don’t think about your food choices.

I think the biggest strength I’ve noticed is that I’m now more fully aware of my behaviors and how and where they come from and how and where I may be able to better direct them or change them to be more effective in making food decisions.

I was fairly surprised at how I was able to quickly adapt to where you were suggesting I change habits and behaviors. The โ€˜evil little journalโ€™ was a wonderful tool that you introduced to me that really allowed me to review and prepare for situations that might pop up.

I’m not really too sure what could be further supported as I was 100% unprepared for you to take this in the direction you took it so I feel that currently right now I’m beyond satisfied with the results and information that you have passed on to me.”

Timothy O’Brien, client

We love surprising our clients with something other than a handout with a 1600 calorie diet and wishing them luck. Why? We know it doesn’t work in the long-term.

The openness to self-examination and trust in the guidance and the process is what leads to true transformation and lasting change. We are extremely proud of Timothy for doing the deep work necessary to achieve his results!

Are you looking for a whole-health approach to your health issues and desired results? It all starts with a simple phone call. Schedule your complimentary, 20-minute Discovery Call today!

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